Wednesday, May 6, 2015

DRx Nose

A note from the maker:

My name is Greg Dockter, RPh and I would like to introduce you to a new product for kids and adults that are prone to having nosebleeds. I have been personally living with nosebleeds my entire life, even after cauterization. I finally arrived at the point where I needed to do something about it.  Especially considering this seems to run in my family, unfortunately, as my own children have nosebleeds too.
While in pharmacy school, I had taken a class that discussed the history of Pharmacy and how medication was discovered and used.  Realizing that companies, in the past, looked to nature for solutions for today’s medical issues (digoxin, taxol, lovastatin, penicillin and aspirin to name a few).  Researchers are still looking deep into the rainforest and ocean to find discoveries, which nature has already figured out. My intent was to harness these nature’s capabilities into a product that would stop the frustration for many, as it does for myself.  So I was fortunate enough to be able to work with a lab, Lenor Zeeh Pharmaceutical Experimentation Station, at the University of Wisconsin-Pharmacy School, to formulate the product. 
So after much scientific research and many prototypes later, I created a proprietary product that really works. In fact we like to say it can stop a nosebleed in 60-seconds for most people. No packing of the nose required, no extra time out to wait for the bleeding to stop, just quick and effective control of the nosebleed.
You may have a family member, colleague or friend that is taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin or aspirin. Those that are taking anticoagulants and are experiencing nosebleeds are having a very difficult time controlling the bleeding.  When a loved one has a nosebleed no one likes to deal with this messy and frustrating situation.  Now even a younger child is able to take charge of this messy situation, all by themselves.  It is empowering for young and old to know that they have a quick and easy solution available. 
I developed this solution after a patient of mine was walking into to my pharmacy for her prescription got a nosebleed; the only resolution I could offer was a box of tissues. Now I offer the DRxNoze® Nosebleed Relief product and my customers are reporting back to me that they carry it with them everywhere.
I would be most grateful for your review of the product.  As a pharmacist my goal is to try and impact patient’s health daily with prevention and treatments.  This is why I am so pleased to be able to have this product available now to be able to help many other people that are as frustrated by this as I am.  My goal is to get individuals back to their activity as quickly as possible.  Whether be in sports, hiking or just relaxing when this situation happens.
For more information check out the website at:
If you have any questions or would just like to chat…would love to have your feedback.
Much success,
Greg Dockter, RPh

I do get bloody noses from time to time.  They aren't fun!  My daughter also gets nose bleeds.  Not to long ago, I was in my car going up hill on a mountain.  All of a sudden I go a severe nose bleed.  I did not have one that lasted 30 minutes.  my nose bled for 3 hours.  My car and clothes looked like a murder scene.  I was excited to try these.  Anything that can help nose bleeds are helpful.  I did get a miner nose bleed after i received this.  It was helpful!

I received this product for free, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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